Path To Glory

Documentary Series

Path To Glory” is a four-part documentary series produced by Prohibition Films that aired on ESPN and CBS Sports Network. The series highlights the unique transatlantic partnership between Orange County Soccer Club (OCSC) and Rangers FC, which aims to create a professional soccer pathway for elite players in the USA and Europe. The narrative unfolds through the experiences of three promising young players from each club who exchange places—crossing the Atlantic to live, train, and compete in each other’s countries, from the pitches of Orange County to the legendary Ibrox Stadium in Glasgow.

Developed, produced, and post-produced by Prohibition Films, the documentary provides an inside look at the challenges and triumphs these players face as they strive to make it on the competitive national stage, especially amidst the global pandemic. The series culminates with notable moments, such as the historic transfer of OCSC goalkeeper Aaron Cervantes to Rangers FC and other impactful moves that highlight the success of this innovative player development strategy